PR10 Paperless Recorders Brainchild
The PR10 is a low-cost paperless chart recorder with a built-in high resolution 4.3″ touchscreen display, 6 channels, plug & play IO...

Paperless Recorders PR20 Brainchild
The new PR series paperless recorders are launched in full product range with outstanding specifications and features. PR series includes...

Batch Control and batching system
Pemahaman Batching control adalah control suatu aliran berdasarkan volume yang di setting guna menghentikan suatu aliran jika seeting...

Brainchild Recorder PR30 Paperless
PR30 – low-cost paperless recorder Description The new PR series paperless recorders are launched in full product range with outstanding...

Brainchild Paperless Recorder PR30
Brainchild Parpeless Recorder PR30 Description The new PR series paperless recorders are launched in full product range with outstanding...

Brainchild CR06 6 – Channel Dotting Chart Recorder
CR06 6 – channel dotting chart recorder Description It is dotting style of 6 – channel chart recorder, universal input, low cost, short...