Gerand Pump test Flow Meter
Pump Test Meter
Flow Meter for Fire Pump MeterGerand’s product line consists of Venturis, Indicators (orifice type) and Ball valve-Venturis (one-piece unit, fixed Venturi and valve) manufactured by Gerand and meters used to balance the hydronic and air systems.

Venturis and Indicators are furnished with a set of meter fittings (nipples, valves and quick disconnects). Balvalve-Venturis have nipples and quick disconnects.
A chained metal tag is furnished with all flow devices. The tag shows the unit size, unit location, the GPM and corresponding meter reading in inches of water.
Found in Gerand’s complete catalog are curves that have been based on Independent Test laboratory Calibrations. An accuracy of +1% is standard as a result of these calibrations.
Gerand suggests using Venturis on all units at least 2-1/2″ and larger for ultimate accuracy and lowest possible head loss. Orifices may also be used though the permanent head loss, with orifices is substantially increased from that of Venturis.
On 1/2″ through 2″ lines we recommend using Ball valve-Venturis furnished as a one-piece Venturi/valve with a memory lock on the handle.
All flow fittings should be supplied with chained metal tag indicating the unit size, unit location, GPM and corresponding differential reading in inches of water. Venturis and indicators should be supplied with nipple, valve and quick disconnect meter fittings. Ball valve-Venturis should be supplied with nipples and quick disconnects.
A portable 0-50″ or 0-100″ differential meter shall be used for balancing flow in all units. Meter should be furnished as part of the system.
Fire Pump Test Meter Product

Model K Fire Pump Test Meter
A calibrated venturi and attached GPM meter installed on the discharge of a fire pump to accurately determine pump performance.
4-1/2″ dial meter is shipped for mounting on venturi bracket. Special hose lengths available for remote mounting.
Pressure Range: 500 PSI (Buttweld, Grooved, 300# Flanged) and 275 PSI (150# Flanged)
Dual LPM/GPM Scales Available.…..

Model M Fire Pump Test Meter
A calibrated venturi and attached GPM meter installed on the discharge of a fire pump to accurately determine pump performance.
6″ dial meter is shipped for mounting on venturi bracket. Special hose lengths available for remote mounting.
Pressure Range: 175 PSI
Dual LPM/GPM Scales Available.
Fire Pump Test Meter Operating Instructions
Attached to the meter with a brass chain is an oblong metal tag with the suggested piping diagram of the system on one side, and the following operating instructions on the reverse side: 1. Close system OSY valve “A” 2. Open by-pass valve and “B” butterfly throttle valve… read more
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