Water, De-Ionised Water, Soluble Oils (Glycols), Petroleum Based Fluids, Synthetic-Based Fluids, Coolants, Corrosive Fluids, Paints, Solvents, Air & Gases
Body Material:
AL = Aluminium
B = Bronze
CI = Cast Iron
CIK = Cast Iron Nickel Plated
S = Carbon Steel
SS = Stainless Steel
DUP = Duplex (F51)
PVC = PVCFunction;
A scaled dial and mechanical indicator continuously monitor the flow rate at any given time whilst electrical switches can be specified to signal when a particular level has been reached during increasing or decreasing flow rates.
Various switching options are available in standard nylon or metal (Bronze, Aluminium or Stainless steel) enclosure box. SPDT, DPDT, 4-20mA for both safe and hazardous areas.
Minimum Scale: LPM, 0 - 40 LPM
Maximum Scale: LPM, 0 - 70 LPM
(pipe size 1/4’ - 1’
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